
Quality music has fallen on deaf ears for the current generation and no one seems to have any issue with this. Believe me, I tried listening to the radio the other day, a hip-hop station to be specific and, aside from timeless tracks by J. Cole, Kendrick, and a few Kanye songs here and there, I couldn’t understand the lyrics from some of these artists. “Mumble rappers,” as they’ve come to be known, all seem to write about similar topics; xanax, explicit words used to describe the size of the female posterior, guns, and high-performance sports cars. I challenge you to listen to a rap track popularized on SoundCloud, and you’ll soon realize that I’m completely spot-on with my assessment of the dreck that is modern hip hop. Pop music isn’t that great either, but we’ll save that for another time.

Anyway, here’s what you missed in the news yesterday.

From Bad To Worse, Real Quick

To describe the situation at the US-Mexico border as less than ideal would be a gross understatement. Over the last few weeks, droves of thousands of Central American migrants have traversed through Mexico, longing to seek asylum in the United States. Even if you wouldn’t consider yourself “politically engaged,” I assume you’re aware of President Trump’s stance on immigration and his hopes/dreams for how he’d prefer to treat people who enter the country illegally. 

On Wednesday, hundreds of migrants organized a protest in Tijuana because of growing impatience related to the asylum. Given the proximity of Tijuana to the US border in San Diego, California, US Border agents were sent to bring order back to the force, which, apparently meant shooting at the crowd of migrants with tear gas. Just for your own knowledge, many of these migrants are children. 

Nevertheless She’s Persisting 

Against a few odds, Nancy Pelosi advances onward with a Democratic Party nomination for her to ascend as Speaker of the House in the 116th Congress. According to Politico, the vote a nail-biter, with 203 in favor, and 32 against. For those of you unable to detect sarcasm, I feel slightly bad for the previous sentence. Interestingly enough, three of her harshest critics also belong to the Democratic Party. 

Kathleen Rice (D-NY) applauded Pelosi’s nomination by adding a subtle dig that she’d extend her support to Pelosi if she agreed to a transition timeline so critics could calendar when Pelosi would be out of their hair.

“I have said since the beginning this is not personal to Nancy Pelosi, this is not even just about her, this is about the entire [leadership] team. It’s about agitating for change. That’s what we need up here. Right now, Leader Pelosi will not have the 218 votes necessary to become speaker…Our request was, and has always been, simple. Produce a meaningful plan for a leadership transition to allow a new generation of leadership to step forward.

-Kathleen Rice (D-NY)

Beware Of The Internet

Inmates from a South Carolina prison have made breaking news for using fake online profiles to target military service members through social media platforms, according to the Hill. Inmates pretended to be women and exchanged photos with service member. According to the report, after the service member accepted the photos, the prisoners would change gears and pretend to be the father of the fake person who sent photos, saying that if the service member didn’t pay them, the prisoners would contact the authorities. Naturally, the services members paid the price both literally and metaphorically. 

The Hill reports that the online schemes performed by inmates “cost 442 service members from the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps from across the United States more than $560,000 in financial loss. 

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