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Can You Detect A Winner?

We live in a world where threats to our safety, both large and small, have impacted the way we as a society live.  Increased security measures are being taken in several aspects of daily life such as entering a school or even a baseball game, often causing large delays.  Worse off, not all current security measures are stopping these threats before they happen. One company is working on a solution to combat these issues, NOW. Click Here & See For Yourself

Reviving The Lost Interest In The Gold Mines: McEwen

From the viewpoint of a mining executive, a loss in interest in gold mines is being assessed. After dabbling in other activities in the mining sector, firms and companies must switch back to their core activity of finding new gold mines. What could this mean for mining stocks? Click For Full Article

Saudi’s Minister Has No Plans To Boost Oil Production After Iran Oil Waivers End

On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia’s Energy minister Khalid al-Falih said that there was no need to immediately increase oil output. This followed the ending of waivers granted by the US to Iranian crude oil buyers. He added that Saudi Arabia will only respond to increase oil output if there is an increase in demand. Read More, Now.

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