To stigmatize someone is to identify a distinguishing characteristic or personal trait perceived be, whether in actuality or otherwise, as a disadvantage, and treat that individual differently, often in a negative manner. As humans, we inherently judge the people we meet, almost instantaneously, as a means of discerning whether they pose an immediate threat to our existence or not.
Once that has been decided, we then make the choice if we choose to interact with this individual. In modern society, by virtue of stigmatization and racism, we carry certain biases about people depending on how we were raised/what we were taught. For example, if one were to grow up in a family of white supremacists, one could assume this person is a xenophobic racist who prefers not to associate with people of color.
Some of the more harmful effects of stigmatizing someone, or a group of individuals, include reduced access to resources for these groups of innocent people. How we view people directly relates to how we interact with them, and, in terms of people with mental health conditions, society has largely discriminated against anyone with a mental illness.
Mental health is an issue area that should be held to the same regard as a
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Because Americans don’t take mental health nearly as seriously as it should be, there is a lack of resources for people who truly need them. Given that suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for people aged 10 – 34, and more than 90% of people who die by suicide show symptoms of a mental health condition, one would think that something would change. Somewhere along the line, we decided that because mental illnesses cannot be physically seen, they’re basically not there, and therefore, healthcare should be mainly available to individuals with “real” diseases.
The biggest mistake that we make when speaking about individuals who suffer from mental illness is that we allow ourselves to equate people with their ailments. Every human in this world is so much more than what can be physically determined about them, and this holds true to anyone with a health condition. We need to stop saying that someone “is bipolar,” but rather that they “have bipolar disorder.” If we dissociate the disease from the person, we alleviate the justification for stigmatizations.
Historically, companies have lent spare time and resources to help correct some of the world’s issues, but none have really gone so far that they overextend their abilities and pull out all the stops. It’s almost too taboo for a company to show that they care about a specific issue. Thankfully, not all companies act this way, and some of risen to the occasion of spreading awareness about mental illness.
Premier Health Group Inc. (OTC: PHGRF) / (CSE: PHGI) / (6PH.F) is a Canadian publicly traded company focused on developing innovative approaches that combine human skill-based expertise with emerging technologies to provide the best possible care options for their patients. The Company last week announced week the launch of
Per the details of the announcement, the initiative will focus on providing
Following the announcement, Dr. Essam Hamza, CEO of Premier Health Group Inc. (OTC: PHGRF) / (CSE: PHGI) / (6PH.F), commented, “Having the ability to offer virtual mental health counselling services is pivotal to our patient-centric app. Through my own practice I have encountered a significant number of teens and young adults who would much rather use virtual services from the comfort of their home than come in person and wait in a busy waiting room to talk about their mental health. The need is there, and Premier Health, working alongside Dr. Ali and Dr. McKenzie, will develop the tools and framework to be able to overcome the barriers associated with mental health treatment.”
Through the use of Premier Health Group Inc. (OTC: PHGRF) / (CSE: PHGI) / (6PH.F)‘s private and secure online video platform, patients will now be able to book sessions with experienced mental health professionals and be seen from anywhere in the world. In addition to providing resources to those who suffer from mental illness, the Company will also be working to improve access to mental health resources for those in underserved communities.

Pursuant to an agreement between an affiliate of MAPH Enterprises, LLC (owners of, MIDAM VENTURES, LLC and Premier Health Group Inc. Midam was hired for a period from 10/1/2018 – 4/1/2019 to publicly disseminate information about Premier Health Group Inc. including on the Website and other media including Facebook and Twitter. We were paid $300,000 CASH for & were paid “500,000” shares of restricted common shares (as of 1/2/2019). Midam has been compensated an additional $100,000 by Premier Health Group to extend the period of coverage to May 1, 2019. We own zero shares of Premier Health Group Inc., which we purchased in the open market. Once the (6) Six-month restriction is complete on 4/1/2019 we plan to sell the “500,000” shares of Premier Health Group Inc. that we hold currently in restricted form during the time the Website and/or Facebook and Twitter Information recommends that investors or visitors to the website purchase without further notice to you. We may buy or sell additional shares of Premier Health Group Inc. in the open market at any time, including before, during or after the Website and Information, provide public dissemination of favorable Information. Please click here for full disclaimer.