
The art of conversation is dying at a rapid rate and little to no one has any interest in keeping this practice alive. Think about it…When was the last time that you struck up conversation with someone while waiting in line for something? You probably didn’t bother trying and elected to use your phone and check one of your social media accounts or something. I don’t blame you, its ingrained in our culture to “not talk to strangers,” but this is something that is only recent in the last decade or so.

Ask any septuagenarian and they’ll not only smile when you ask to speak with them, but they’ll elucidate to you exactly what I’m saying. The “young people” don’t speak to one another and certainly don’t try to meet new people when in public. When you really think about it, it’s sad. We have such a great opportunity to meet one another and get to know our fellow people, but we can’t do it. 

Here’s what you missed in the news yesterday. 

Assange Hath Been Arrested 

As of Thursday morning, Assange was arrested inside the Ecuadorian embassy for breaching his previously set bail conditions. According to the most recent statement released by the British Metropolitan Police:

“Julian Assange, 47, (03.07.71) has today, Thursday 11 April, been further arrested on behalf of the United States authorities, at 10:53hrs after his arrival at a central London police station. This is an extradition warrant under Section 73 of the Extradition Act. He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates’ Court as soon as possible…”

MET Police Statement 

Per the arrest details released via WikiLeak’s official Twitter account, Assange was taken into custody under a U.S. extradition warrant on conspiracy charges for releasing classified information in partnership with former army intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning. Following his arrest, the United States Justice Department’s prosecutors confirmed that Assange is being accused of trying to hack into a classified U.S. computer. According to TechCrunch, Assange and Manning allegedly worked together to figure out the password to gain entrance onto a U.S. government server, referred to as SIPRNET.

Prior to his arrest earlier today, Assange had been living in the Ecuadorian embassy which, as most people know, constitutes living on foreign soil. Because of this fact, the U.S.government had to go through the process of working with U.K officials to extradite Assange so that he could be tried on British soil. 

Thanks, Obama?

On Thursday, a federal grand jury elected to indict Greg Craig, a man with an incredible name and a former Democratic attorney who worked for two presidents including Barack Obama. According to reports, Craig is being charged with making false statements and concealing information in connection with work related to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into the Trump administration. 

“This indictment accuses Mr. Craig of misleading the FARA Unit of the Department of Justice in order to avoid registration. It is itself unfair and misleading. It ignores uncontroverted evidence to the contrary. Mr. Craig had no interest in misleading the FARA Unit because he had not done anything that required his registration. That is what this trial will be all about.”

Legal team for Greg Craig 

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