
I discovered something truly miraculous and I’d like to share it with each and every one of you. First of all, I hope you enjoyed your weekend and you spent time with good people and ate delicious foods. On the tangent of foods, I attended a dinner on Friday where we all cooked together. The meal consisted of steak, veggies, potatoes, and sparkling water, and when I was asked to pitch in my share for the groceries, it only cost me $9. Why on earth does anyone spend money eating at a restaurant when you can cook your own meal, share with friends, and save a ton of money in the process. Now, to be clear, this is a very classist mentality and food insecurity is a real problem in both the United States as well as around the world, and I recognize that. Taking that into consideration, I recommend we stop supporting expensive restaurants and cook our own meals.

Here’s what you missed in the news over the weekend. 

And..There Goes Another Cabinet Member 

President Donald Trump is known for many reasons. For starters, he’s not a very quiet president when it comes to opinions, but you probably already knew that. Additionally, members of his cabinet tend to vacate their jobs pretty quickly resulting in a nice turnover rate in the White House. On Sunday afternoon, Kirstjen Nielsen, the secretary of Homeland Security shared that she is leaving her position effective immediately. For those who are unfamiliar with Nielsen, she’s been the poster child for Trump’s immigration campaign. 

“Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service. I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner will become Acting Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!”

President Donald Trump 

Bibi, Do You Love Me? Are You Riding? 

When the topic of Israel enters conversation, depending on who’s sitting at the table, there’s typically a simultaneous groan followed by a general avoidance of it all. Considering that Israelis will be voting this week to either re-elect PM Benjamin Netanyahu or to elect someone different. As for the pinch point of this election, the Israeli government is discussing whether to annex part of the West Bank where close to 2.5 million Palestinian people are currently living. 

Netanyahu, also called “Bibi” by his adoring fans, has said that if he is reelected, he will advocate for Israeli annexation of the West Bank, a move that many are calling solidly controversial. 

“You are asking whether we are moving on to the next stage – the answer is yes, we will move to the next stage. Israel will continue to brazenly violate international law for as long as the international community will continue to reward Israel with impunity, particularly with the Trump administration’s support and endorsement of Israel’s violation of the national and human rights of the people of Palestine.”

Saeb Erekat, Senior Palestinian Official

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