
The tech stock market has remained largely in the spotlight this year, and we’ve only just recently hit the one-month mark for 2019. The close of 2018 allowed investors the opportunity to take a deep breath after a year of volatile upswings and economic downturns changing hands seemingly every other day. The market decline, overall, affected industries across all sectors, resulting in a massive sell-off so shareholders would be able to put food on the table. All in all, the tech industry has managed to stave off much of the negative market conditions over the past year, and recently, companies in the space have started to recognize gains as a result of looking to new technologies and marketing approaches meant to appeal to consumers looking for qualitative products/investments. 

As far as companies remaining impervious to market conditions, analysts say that those with mid to small market caps are more easily navigable in terms of remaining largely unharmed in times when the market is exponentially more volatile. 

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The fact of the matter is that the tech industry is pulling out all the stops to innovative as fast as it can in order to meet the growing demands of consumers. As more obstacles continue to present themselves to the human experience, it is the responsibility of innovators and engineers to design new products and services meant to alleviate the stresses felt from these obstacles. 

New Technologies, New Challenges 

ParcelPal Technology Inc (PKG) (PT0.F) (PTNYF) has quickly become one of the more influential tech stocks in the industry, namely because the Company is one of the first in the space to put the customer’s needs before the product. The opportunity that ParcelPal (PKG) (PT0.F) (PTNYF) many be presenting to investors has drawn comparisons to the way early investors had an opportunity with companies like Uber and GrubHub (GRUB) before they went mainstream in the US. 

The Company, along with others in the food delivery sector of the tech industry, is taking advantage of the fact that, as new technologies have been developed to meet the growing challenges in life, so too has the willingness of consumers to be persuadable, in terms of considering products they otherwise might not consider. ParcelPal utilizes technology-driven logistics to connect consumers with the goods they love, including allowing customers to place orders for cannabis products. Customers can shop at partner businesses and, through the ParcelPal platform, receive their purchased goods within an hour. 

Augmented Reality Is Coming 

Tech analysts predict that by 2025, industries utilizing augmented and virtual reality technology will see revenue streams of approximately $5 billion. A majority of the use-cases for new tech will stem from healthcare sector. Once thought to be the substance of futuristic pipe dreams, AR is becoming a hot commodity for companies introduced in the future of tech. 

Staying ahead of the game, ParcelPal Technology Inc (PKG) (PT0.F) (PTNYF) announced earlier this month that it had signed an integration deal with NexTech AR Solutions (CSE:NTAR) (NEXCF) (N29.F). 

Per the details of the agreement, NexTech will create custom dashboards with its xAPI analytics enabling the tracking of micro-behaviors throughout the AR experience creating a valuable sea of data for ParcelPal and their merchant eCommerce sites. 

With the xAPI and AR experiences integrated on the ParcelPal site and mobile apps the Company will gain a very valuable marketing tool and differentiating technology which will generate the highest conversions, click through, dwell time and sales, providing a valuable roadmap for both companies. 

Where Is Tech Headed? 

When we reminisce about a time before much of the technology we use on a daily basis existed, we recount those days as archaic and out of touch with reality. How could we live in a world without smartphones, tablets, and wearables? As hard as it may seem to believe, fifty years ago, that’s exactly how people felt with the tech they had access to, and generations from now will look back at our devices and see them as relics. 

In terms of predicting where technology is headed, experts say everything is slowly becoming automated, as more people are learning that they can almost completely depend on tech companies to solve their problems.

In the next ten to twenty years, we’ll see self-driving cars, more uses of artificial intelligence, nanobot technology, and countless other types of devices that have yet to be named. 

An Affiliate of JSG Communications, MIDAM VENTURES LLC has been compensated $75,000 per month for 3 months by ParcelPal Technology, Inc. for a period beginning September 1, 2018 and ending February 1, 2019 to publicly disseminate information about (PTNYF/PKG). We may buy or sell additional shares of (PTNYF/PKG) in the open market at any time, including before, during or after the Website and Information, provide public dissemination of favorable Information. We own zero shares. Click Here For Full Disclaimer

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