One of the few sectors that have managed to consistently grow is the biotech sector and experts believe that it continues to do so in the foreseeable future. In such a situation, it is imperative for investors to keep one or more biotech stocks in their portfolios.
However, when it comes to picking the right stock, one needs to conduct his research thoroughly and that is a constant even if the sector is a high growth one. On that note, here is a lock at three biotech stocks that should be watched closely by investors.
PharmaCyte Biotech (PMCB)
Biotech has always been one of the best performing sectors in the market. A number of biotech stocks have produced life-changing returns because of their treatments and opportunities. Pharmacyte Biotech (PMCB) has a storied past with big progress toward 1 goal: commercializing its Cell In A Box technology.

The latest series of events leading up to Tuesday may show some of the most important milestones in company history. For starters, Pharmacyte announced in mid-October that it had completed the first of its two staggered and back to back manufacturing runs for the production of PharmaCyte’s clinical trial product.
Why was this important? The company needs to generate the data required to complete the FDA’s Investigational New Drug application – IND. This week the company reported the second manufacturing runs for the production of PharmaCyte’s clinical trial product. With both completed, what comes next?
“Once the information from that testing is available, it will be incorporated into our Investigational New Drug application (IND) for submission to the FDA.”
PharmaCyte’s Chief Executive Officer, Kenneth L. Waggoner
Bellicum Pharmaceuticals (BLCM)
The first biotech stock that should go into investors’ watch lists is that of Bellicum Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:BLCM). The company made a significant announcement on Thursday, October 31 with regards to its natural killer cell chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) program and since then the stock has taken off.
The company announced that a part of the preclinical investigation into the program is going to be presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting, which is going to be held from November 6th to November 10th. The news resulted in a major rally and over the past two trading sessions, the stock has gained as much as 60%.
Agile Therapeutics (AGRX)
The other biotech stock that has been soaring since last Thursday is the Agile Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:AGRX) The women’s healthcare company announced on October 31 that its contraceptive product Twirla has been given a favorable vote by an advisory committee of the United States Food and Drugs Administration.
Soon after the announcement, the trading volume of its shares zoomed to as much as 46.3 million shares and that is significantly higher than its average trading volume of 2.3 million shares. Since then, the stock has soared by as much as 400% and it goes without saying that this is a stock that should definitely be tracked by investors.

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