
If we were to definitively rank the meals that one eats over the course of the day, I argue that breakfast would be at the top of everyone’s list. Now, you may be wondering why breakfast is clearly the winner. Well, first of all, great question. Good on you for being inquisitive. And second of all, because breakfast incorporates every part of a well-balanced diet while serving foods that satisfy every craving a person could imagine. Say you’re in the mood for something savory, well, eat a savory crepe for breakfast or perhaps a bagel with smoked salmon. Maybe savory isn’t your jam, but something sweet is. Travel back four words in the last sentence and spread that on toast, my friend. But what if you’re trying to eat healthy, and you’re avoiding breads and salty food. Might I suggest to you my friend and yours, the scrambled egg. 

Getting hungry? Well, here’s what you missed in the news yesterday. 

“N” is for Neutrality 

Net neutrality has kept American internet-users from being taken advantage of by their service providers but, considering that he’s a fan of big business, President Trump insisted we repeal the protections.  Naturally, the Democratic leadership had a bone to pick with Donald regarding his actions and so they introduced the “Save the Internet Act” a few months back. The concise, two-page bill seeks to restore 2015’s net neutrally rules and, as of Wednesday, the bill was passed in the House of Representatives. 

According to several reports, the bill, which was introduced yesterday, was heavily debated and discussed in the house. Of course, a gaggle of staunch Republican members of the house question both the morality of the lawmakers responsible for the bill as well as why the bill was even introduced in the first place. 

Rep. Burgess (R-TX) was one such character making the bill’s proceedings longer than they needed to be when he asked that the Government Accountability Office issue a report on the effect of edge provers on internet freedoms, according to TechCrunch. For those unfamiliar with the term “edge provider,” these are companies that operate online sites that customers connect to over the internet like Google, Amazon, and Netflix. Rep. Burgess being the conservative that he is expressed his concerns that free access to the internet may interrupt the revenue streams for edge providers when, in fact, this is not the case.

The Spy Who Trumped Me

In an interesting turn of events, Attorney General William Barr told several law officials that “spying did occur” on President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, but said nothing more after introducing the idea. Seriously, after he said this, all major media outlets have been doing everything in their power to try and figure what Barr was talking about.

CNN believes Barr was referring to Carter Page, a man who served as foreign policy adviser to Trump during his campaign but was then surveilled by the FBI for a minute. 

“The FBI believes that Page has been collaborating and conspiring with the Russian government,” the application stated, adding that “there is probable cause that such activities involve or are about to involve violations of the criminal statutes of the United States.”

Federal Bureau of Investigation 

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